Friday, February 28, 2014

Paper Tigers 060

Paper Tigers 060
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  1. I have a question. Do the dolls in this world require food and water to survive?

    1. They do not need food or water, but they do enjoy them.

  2. Is the pattern thingy on the world balloon supposed to just differentiate or is there a greater purpose? I thought it was the way orderlys talked, but there's an orderly with normal balloons.

    1. It's a helpful marker for differentiating, but mostly I wanted to impart the idea that the older orderlies have a crackle to their voices. Kinda like their voices are going through a broken speaker...
      The younger orderlies haven't gone through enough wear and tear to merit a breakdown in their voices. Genevieve, (Paper Tigers Page 028) for example, is a much younger orderly then Margo (who ranks as the second oldest citizen in Cobble).
